Dragonfly with Cattails
Teacher: Margaret Kinsey
Technique: Silk and Metal
When one is near a marshy area in late summer/early autumn in our state, one sees the elegant dragonflies in abundance. They love these marshy places for breeding and survival. Dragonflies have fascinated artists since early times. We find them in carvings, textiles, jewelry, decorating furniture, paintings, and subjects of poetry. Myths and legends about dragonflies abound.

Come join us and create this beautiful golden dragonfly using 3 different size purls, metal wire thread, metallic organza, and Japan metallic threads. Brick pattern couching technique, diagonal satin stitch, and French Filling stitch, colored wire purls using chipping technique over padding. The background fabric is silk shantung. Student will learn to assemble the frame and transfer the design to the fabric, and dress the frame in the traditional western culture style.

Skill Level: Basic
Design Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Kit Fee: $70